The only thing worth knowing about the 2021 federal election results

You might think that the latest general federal election was pointless, and looking at the results it feels like that. Even looking further than the winning seats, there is little change compared to 2019.

But there’s been some notable, Canada-wide movement in two of the political parties, the young People’s Party of Canada (PPC), and the much older Green Party of Canada (GPC).

Visualized and Interactive : Over 20 years of revisited video games music thanks to OverClocked Remix over the years : an interactive data visualisation and exploration

For over 20 years, the OverClocked Remix community and website has been offering today’s and yesterday’s gamers to revisit the music of their favorite video games, be it a cover, a remix, or a rearrangement­­ – for free. How many times The Legend of Zelda was put into jazz? Sonic The Hedgehog into dubstep? Mega Man into funk? Undertale into prog rock?

“Spatiotemporal storytelling” at Le Parisien: how one newspaper is aggregating data to provide a public service

LiveCity is a new data-driven project from Le Parisien that aims to bring together a range of public data sources to serve audiences across its web pages and apps. In a guest post for the Online Journalism Blog, I spoke to Project Director Stanislas de Livonnière about the challenge of aggregating one city’s dispersed open and live data feeds into a single set of dashboards and widgets that could be integrated into the outlet’s website and apps.

Read the story here on the OJB ➡️

Exploring our musical galaxy, a network analysis of the relationship between music genres


Here is my latest story from my short series of long-form features on music evolution!

This time, we’re talking about music genres and how they interact with each other to form new genres. We also address the increasing role of robots 🤖 in all aspects of music, and how statistics and machine learning can reveal new insights into centuries-old music genres.

Just click here* : 🎵 📊